Monthly Archive for: ‘September, 2013’

‘Shooting Star’ released today

Today Spineless Wonders released “Shooting Star” by Marjorie Lewis-Jones, the fifth in its series of twelve women’s long eStories selected by Amanda Lohrey. “Marjorie Lewis-Jones’ insightful characterisation of Orley as well as her earthy narrative, connects the reader to a uniquely personal experience with a most recognisable and universal theme.” Take a look at the

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A Bigger Brighter World reviews significantly more female than male authors

The book review and author interview blog A Bigger Brighter World bucks the national literary trend by reviewing far more female authors than male authors. The Stella Count, this week released by the Stella Prize with industry magazine Books+Publishing, found that last year in Australia more books written by men were reviewed than books written

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Fallen Land: The American dream turns sour

This one of the scariest books I’ve read this year and perhaps ever. It’s also one of the cleverest I’ve encountered in recent times at evoking how the American dream can easily turn sour. Paul Krovik is a property developer who subdivides some acreage, builds his family a model home and gets into debt due

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The Son questions the founding fathers

The Son is a breathtaking epic equal in scope and intensity to Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian but I think it’s a more consistently engaging read. The story spans 160-odd years of Texan history from the mid-1800s and details the violent land grabbing, slaughter and empire building that lie at its heart. This blood- and oil-soaked

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