Monthly Archive for: ‘November, 2013’

The Burial dug from Collins’ big conversation with the universe

Courtney Collins’ novel, The Burial, has been described as a breathtakingly brilliant debut in the tradition of Cormac McCarthy. In this Q & A she tells ABBW about the female bushranger, Jessie Hickman, who inspired the book; how the question “Can a woman be free?” lies at the heart of her first novel; and how landscape can

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Pip Harry’s ‘tricky teen’ tale judged best in helping families

Pip Harry’s novel, I’ll Tell You Mine, recently won a trans-Tasman award for its usefulness in a family therapy setting. In this Q & A she tells ABBW about the book’s mettlesome character, Kate, other young adult authors she admires and a non-fiction project she’s working on about dating, sex, love and relationships. Your novel

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