Monthly Archive for: ‘July, 2015’

Literary travellers meet at Berkelouw Books

Authors Gabrielle Lord and Walter Mason launched Carmel Bird’s My Hearts Are Your Hearts and The Michael McGirr Selects Series for Spineless Wonders on July 25 at Berkelouw Books, Leichhardt, Sydney. My story, ‘We’re All Travellers Here’, won the 2014 Carmel Bird Award, which was presented by Carmel Bird on the night. I was not

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Tune in to savour Mandel’s superb Station Eleven

Station Eleven might well be the book for readers who gave up on The Road because the post-apocalyptic world Cormac McCarthy painted was so austere they couldn’t see past the misery to engage with the issues this fabulous novel raised. Emily St. John Mandel’s apocalypse is a flu pandemic that wipes out most of the

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Lose yourself in Malouf’s ‘Being There’

‘What is it in us—what urge to lose ourselves in the otherness of things—that leads us so insistently to seek out encounters with paintings, plays, poems, novels, works of sculpture, dance, music?’ asks the Australian author David Malouf in his essay ‘Questions on the Way to the Exhibition’. This essay appears in Being There, the

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