Monthly Archive for: ‘May, 2016’

‘Crime Scenes’ nails its target

Grab your gumshoes and telephoto lens. It’s time to pay ‘Krymphixshon’ a visit to examine the Crime Scenes. This one’s well worth your scrutiny. I’m not a die-hard crime reader who hoovers up a multiple-book series in a weekend like some people I know. My crime reading is both sporadic and serendipitous. So, when I

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Tempest urges: Build the house that matters

On selfies: ‘Here’s me outside the palace of me.’ It was a great moment. The performance poet, Kate Tempest, nailing the emptiness of our narcissistic obsession with the self and our physical appearance. Tempest mesmerised the audience at the opening of the Sydney Writers Festival on May 18. She ‘told’ us (aka performed) a few

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Sixteen great quotes from the poetry I read in May 2016

Here’s my project. I read a poem a day, imbibe its rhythms and use this as an inspiration for my own writing. Because it’s 2016, I’ll choose 16 quotes from 16 of these poems to feature on A Bigger Brighter World so you’ll get to enjoy a taste of them too. I may not manage

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