Monthly Archive for: ‘August, 2016’

Sixteen great quotes from the poetry I read in August 2016

Here’s my project. I read a poem a day, imbibe its rhythms and use this as an inspiration for my own writing. Because it’s 2016, I’ll choose 16 quotes from 16 of these poems to feature on A Bigger Brighter World so you’ll get to enjoy a taste of them too. I may not manage

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Shibboleth: A well-shaped collection with a thread of darkness

Even if you buy Shibboleth & other stories for the title story alone, you’ll be happy with your purchase. Jo Riccioni’s story eloquently illuminates the sticky cobwebs of past intimacies and how they catch at a young woman’s mind and emotions as she walks into them. When Riccioni writes of the laughter that ‘hangs amorphous

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Don’t be sheepish: Booth’s new picture book is fun

Sheep on the loo, sheep making sandwiches, sheep reading books and filling up the house … writer/illustrator Christina Booth’s new book Too Many Sheep is tickling children with its absurdity and making them laugh. In this Q&A Booth talks about sheep, studying the anatomy of Tasmanian Devils so she could draw them right, receiving the Wilderness Society’s Environmental Award

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