Monthly Archive for: ‘October, 2017’

‘So much to think about’: Norwegian poetry of place and contemplation

I’m exploring the glistening fjords and cloud-kissed mountains of Norway this week. To immerse myself in this breathtaking place, I’ve gathered some Norwegian poetry to help me contemplate its landscape and cultural complexion. I hope you enjoy it too! 1. ‘Everyday’ (Drops in the East Wind, 1966) by Olav H. Hauge But it’s possible to

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Literature from the land of the leek and the lyre

I’m walking in Wales this week so I’ve put together a literary tasting plate from the land of the leek and the lyre. I hope these morsels give you the flavour of what’s been written by some of this windswept country’s more lyrical inhabitants. 1. ‘Evans’ by R. S. Thomas It was not the dark

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