Monthly Archive for: ‘July, 2018’

Water and time spool through my late-night reading

Squeezing reading around long working hours isn’t ideal. Here are a few books I’ve crammed into the late-night nooks and crannies of my crazy life. This Water: Five Tales by Beverley Farmer Vale Beverley Farmer. Farmer’s first books Alone, Milk and The House in the Light were magical to me: her way with words exquisite. Since 1980,

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First lines that lure

When first lines are good they set the scene and lure you to read more. Here are five recent favourites. My brother drowned ‘A woman came across the field, carrying the body of my brother, who had drowned.’ – Dying in the First Person by Nike Sulway How can we describe what gives us meaning?

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Winton’s desert odyssey is a study of solitude and survival

Before he flees to the Western Australian desert, 15-year-old Jaxie Clackton has had the tripe thumped out of him regularly by his violent father, ‘the Captain’. He’s also watched his mother Shirley die of a painful illness and prayed (despite his atheism) for relief she never receives. As his father drinks homebrew and rum outside

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