Monthly Archive for: ‘April, 2021’

Gold’s work of love exposes elephant hell

The Breaking by award-winning author and editor, Irma Gold, was released on March 1. In this Q&A she offers insights into her debut novel’s central love story and how we can stop the harm done to elephants through tourism. The Breaking is a fast-paced love story centred around the intense bond between two young women. Which came

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Bindi encourages care for Country – an interview with Kirli Saunders

Kirli Saunders wrote Bindi as a call to action for young people to understand their role in conservation and caring for Country. Bindi might only be 11 years old but she is a captivating Indigenous eco-activist – learning as she goes about what it means to be responsible for Mother Earth in the face of climate change,

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Five things sobering and soaring

Here are five things that lifted and lengthened me during lockdown, and in the months since. Bloomin‘ bird “It must be weird to have wings, and not be able to fly.” Penguin Bloom (the movie) is a tear jerker. Naomi Watts plays a devastating Sam Bloom, mother of three, who becomes paralysed from the chest

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