
Kim Kelly’ s decade-long story road entwines history, politics and love

It is 10 years since the publication of Black Diamonds, Australian author Kim Kelly’s first novel. To celebrate this milestone, Black Diamonds has been beautifully repackaged, and was relaunched on July 1, 2017, along with all her earlier novels—This Red Earth, The Blue Mile and Paper Daisies (pictured). In this guest post, Kelly describes her passion for historical fiction and why it’s so important to write

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Windham-Campbell award win affirms Eckerman’s strong poetic skills

Australian Indigenous poet Ali Cobby Eckerman has won a Windham-Campbell prize—a US literary prize worth US$165,000 (A$215,000). This is wonderful news. Eckerman is a marvelous poet and her most recent poetry collection Inside my Mother is a tender and moving work: largely a love song to the mother that she was separated from for 30 years

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My reading list highlights for 2016

I read a cartload of fabulous books this year and it was difficult to choose the highlights. But here they are! Read this list in conjunction with my blog post ‘EOFY (Part 2) – the rest of this year’s fiction that got away’ [hotlink] for an even more comprehensive list of great books I appreciated

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Sixteen of the best poems I read in 2016

Throughout 2016 I’ve selected and posted lines from the 16 best poems I’ve read during the month. In this post I’m giving you the best of the best of these poems and lines—plus quite a few that didn’t feature in my original series for one reason or another. 1. ‘After a Death’ by Tomas Tranströmer

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Sixteen great quotes from the poetry I read in December 2016

Here’s my project. I read a poem a day, imbibe its rhythms and use this as an inspiration for my own writing. Because it’s 2016, I chose 16 quotes from 16 of these poems to feature on A Bigger Brighter World so you got to enjoy a taste of them too. Sixteen poems a month

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Sixteen fabulous short stories I read in 2016

Some of these stories were published this year but some are much older. All are my top picks from the stories I read in 2016. 1. ‘The Quiet’ by Carys Davies This story, set in a remote Australia, is breathtaking. A young wife reluctantly invites her neighbour into her home and the consequences are both

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Sixteen great quotes from the poetry I read in November 2016

Here’s my project. I read a poem a day, imbibe its rhythms and use this as an inspiration for my own writing. Because it’s 2016, I’ll choose 16 quotes from 16 of these poems to feature on A Bigger Brighter World so you’ll get to enjoy a taste of them too. That’s 16 poems a

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Sixteen great quotes from the poetry I read in October 2016

OCTOBER Here’s my project. I read a poem a day, imbibe its rhythms and use this as an inspiration for my own writing. Because it’s 2016, I’ll choose 16 quotes from 16 of these poems to feature on A Bigger Brighter World so you’ll get to enjoy a taste of them too. This will equal

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‘Jewel Sea’ winner evokes the ‘rich tapestry of us’

A Bigger Brighter World reader Harriet Ziegler is the winner of Kim Kelly’s new novel, Jewel Sea, in our recent competition with Kelly’s publisher The Author People. Kelly (pictured) asked readers, ‘What period of Australian history intrigues you and why?’ She also said that the most intriguing answer would win—and that she might even write

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Sixteen great quotes from the poetry I read in September 2016

Here’s my project. I read a poem a day, imbibe its rhythms and use this as an inspiration for my own writing. Because it’s 2016, I’ll choose 16 quotes from 16 of these poems to feature on A Bigger Brighter World so you’ll get to enjoy a taste of them too. This will equal 16

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