
Josephine Rowe: On crafting words to ‘knock your breath out’

Josephine Rowe is a Melbourne-based writer of fiction, poetry and nonfiction. Her most recent short story collection, Tarcutta Wake (University of Queensland Press, 2012), was longlisted for the 2013 Frank O’Connor International Short Story Award. She talked with ABBW about killer opening lines and closing lines … and what all the best writing does in between. You seem to

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What lights Cate Kennedy’s imaginative fire?

Cate Kennedy’s luminous short story collection, Like a House on Fire, was recently shortlisted for the Stella Prize. In this Q&A, Kennedy casts light on what fuels her imagination and guides her creative instinct as she writes. A number of the stories in Like a House on Fire are about children relating to parents and

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New novel in letters laments lost loves

Released today, Yvette Walker’s debut novel Letters to the End of Love explores three stories of love and loss — one from Cork in 1969, one from the west coast of Australia in 2011 and one from Bournemouth in 1948. In this Q &A, Walker reveals the breathtaking scope of her research for the novel

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Reading to shape a life and world

Journalist and broadcaster Ramona Koval presented the Book Show on ABC Radio National from 2006 to 2011. It was the world’s only daily radio program devoted to books, writing and publishing. Koval launched By the Book: A Reader’s Guide to Life, in November. Here she talks about how reading shaped her life, her relationship with

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Raider of the lost art

Geordie Williamson is on a rescue mission. For the past year he’s been fossicking in second-hand bookshops and library stacks, raiding friends’ bookshelves and trawling for hours on e-bay. He’s been searching for books by certain Australian authors — mainly 20th century writers he believes have been ignored, underestimated or discredited — with the aim

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